2015년 6월 11일 목요일

Development note - Toki Monsters background concept

Dobby world has a various climate and terrain. It's the perfect place for Dobbies to get a lot of experiences. But when I was sketching it, Dobby world is a typical mountain. It was just a story of Dobbies making a community in the mountain.
In the process of modifying the concepts and stories, I wanted to put more fantasy based objects. It turned out mountain is divided in several parts, a desert, a mushroom swamp, forest and snowing plain. Following the changes of Dobby world, Dobbies begin to show more dynamic actions.

Final image of Doby world

 Doby world has various climate. It reflect's human world outside the their tree.  It has dessert, forest, swamp and snowland. Adventurous dobbies like to travel around the world.
Dessert : High temperature and dry air are doby's favorite. They feel comfortable with the weather. They like to sunbathe. The only bad thing of dessert is a deep sand. Doby has cute short legs, so they prefer to ride a pink camel than walk. Recent sports trend among dobbies is pink camel racing.
Forest : Forest is another favorite place of doby. They can protect themselves from rain, and there are many firewood to have campfire. They barely enjoy activities in forest, but they like to enjoy entertainment life in forest.
Snowland/Mushroom swamp : Dobbies try to heat their body temperature up in humid and cold weather. The weather in snowland and mushroom swamp is not good for doby, but some dobbies who like extreme sports enjoys a life here.

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